Hope and Expectation. And Answered Prayer.

Hope and Expectation. And Answered Prayer.

I had a very nice surprise this week. In my email inbox was a message from a name I didn’t recognize. This is what I read when I opened it: Dear Renee: So happy to hear from you! And I’m sorry it took so long to answer. Please do send the complete...
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

To my friends and family on this Christmas Eve 2010: Amidst the bustle and gaiety of this season, I pray that above all you would know the peace of Christ that passes understanding, remembering that He died for us while we were yet still hostile to Him. He gave...
Waiting. Hope. And Expectation.

Waiting. Hope. And Expectation.

Some general advice about blogging is not to blog if you don’t have anything to say. Today I have something to say. When I started this blog in 2009 I wanted to write about history and archaeology and my thoughts on the Christian life. The last couple blog posts...


The Random House dictionary defines a muse as “the goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like”. The original definition of a muse referred to a number of Greek sister goddesses who presided over the arts, such as...
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon are another wonder of the ancient world, built by King Nebuchadnezzar about 600 BC. His wife, Amytis, daughter of the king of Medes, was depressed by the brown sun-baked plains of Mesopotamia and longed for the green hills and fragrant...
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